
Linas Sabaliauskas, the Managing Director of LVEA, took part in the Energy Forum


Linas Sabaliauskas, the Managing Director of LVEA, took part in the Energy Forum, where he summarised the current context of wind energy development in Lithuania and offered some solutions that need to be put in place to make the business environment for wind energy projects more sustainable and viable:

  • Political consensus for the development should be made as wind energy is a key pillar of country‘s energy independence, for example, to agree is it appropriate to tax strategically important wind farm projects in the same way as derelict real estate;
  • Prosumer operation should be net billing based;
  • PPA and CFD should be recognized as electricity price mitigation tool;
  • The expansion of renewable resources should be presented in the grid plans and they should be mandatory;
  • Interconnection infrastructure projects might be implemented by business;
  • Clear and full required regulation for development and operating of wind energy projects
  • Adequate number of human resources in the authorities to manage the timing of projects development (permitting, testing, etc.)


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