Wind parks have set a new record: they produced more than 1.4 TWh of electricity last year
Last year, wind parks operating in Lithuania produced the largest amount of electricity in the country’s wind energy history. The result surpassed the record achieved in 2017, when the production volumes amounted to over 1.3 TWh. According to the Lithuanian Energy Resources Exchange Baltpool, in D
Lithuanian Wind Power Association is growing – three new members have joined the association
Three new members have joined the Lithuanian Wind Power Association: the renewable energy holding company E energija, the investment management company Synergy Finance licensed by the Bank of Lithuania and the electricity trading company Axton Commodities. The association currently has 29 members. E energ
Lithuanian wind power association: auction results indicate maturity of the sector
To our knowledge, this is the first case in Europe in an onshore renewable energy auction for a developer to win with a zero bid. At the same time, however, it is important to note that this trend will not necessarily persist in subsequent auctions. The renewable energy sector is changing rapidly, includi
International experts: Baltic Sea has 83 GW of potential
In pursuance of the renewable-energy targets set by the European Union (EU), 83 GW of wind power capacity can be installed throughout the Baltic Sea by 2050. The more quickly this happens, the more beneficial it would be for the countries around the Baltic Sea. These are the conclusions made in recently
Wind power plants produced 20 % more power this year
In ten months, the wind parks operating in Lithuania have produced 1.1 TWh of electricity, almost 20 percent more than during the same period last year. The final figure of the full year is now expected to break the record of 2017. Lithuanian energy exchange Baltpool has recently announced that in Octobe