Expectations are growing: it is important for almost 60 percent of the population that businesses use clean electricity
The growing tendencies of environmental protection and renewable energy in Lithuania are clearly reflected in the requirements that the population imposes on the business operating in the country. According to a recent survey of the country’s population, almost six out of ten people care whether com
A. Radavičius. Impact of the young generation on business transformation: ‘climate positive’ not added value, it is new reality
The energy sector transformation accelerating across the world and Lithuania with it is also inevitably changing other areas, such as aviation and finance. Changing consumer attitudes are having a significant impact on ongoing processes and in this, the young generation is particularly notable in its supp
A. Radavičius. A recipe for the Government: how can renewable energy help set the economy in the regions in motion?
With the unprecedented economic and social challenges posed by coronavirus and the constant search for economic stimulus by governments and international organisations, there is a growing call for a focus on the Green Deal as Europe’s key economic response to the pandemic crisis. This recipe can als
LWPA appealed to the Government: the development of renewable energy could boost the entire economy of the country
Lithuanian Wind Power Association, taking into account the unprecedented challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, called on the Government of the Republic of Lithuania to consider the development of the renewable energy sector as one of the main measures to stimulate the economy during this difficult p
Offshore wind energy: three key steps for successful development
After the Ministry of Energy submits a draft Government Resolution on the coordination of places in the Baltic Sea where it would be expedient to develop wind parks and on power capacity, the Lithuanian Wind Power Association draws attention to important aspects for successful development. In the interest