Bionalis, Sorainen and TEC Consulting join the Association

New members are joining the Lithuanian Wind Energy Association (LVEA), which unites the country’s wind energy sector. Bionalis, which implements wind energy construction and maintenance projects, Sorainen, which provides legal services at all stages of wind energy project implementation, and TEC Consulting, which works in the field of project management and maintenance, have joined the Association.

Bionalis has been working in the sector for almost a decade, developing wind energy projects from plan to completion. The company has already built more than 30 wind farms and is currently developing 14 more.

“The company’s range of services in the wind farm construction market is as wide as it can be. We build used and new wind farms from design through to full implementation. We also provide maintenance services for second-hand wind farms,” says Julius Lauraitis, the company’s CEO.

According to the CEO, the renewable energy sector is driven by the very rapid development of the sector, the complexity and efficiency of wind power plants and the opportunity to provide consumers with clean electricity. With the environmental impact of climate change already evident today, it is becoming an unquestionable necessity.

The company hopes that its membership of the LVEA will contribute to the accelerated development of wind power in Lithuania, in order to provide the country with clean electricity and ensure energy independence.


Savo sukaupta patirtimi ir žiniomis vėjo energetikos sektoriuje asociaciją sustiprins ir naujas narys – teisės firma „Sorainen“.

„Turime sukaupę daug patirties konsultuojant klientus įvairiose atsinaujinančiųjų išteklių energetikos srityse – projektuose, susijusiuose su vėjo, saulės, hidroenergijos ir biomasės elektrinių vystymu ir operavimu. Vėjo energetikai sparčiai plėtojantis mūsų regione, be abejo, šie projektai sudaro ženklią dalį mūsų veiklos. Padedame vystytojams visuose šių projektų etapuose: planavimo, statybos, finansavimo, sandorių, elektros pirkimo-pardavimo sutarčių, mokesčių ir ginčų sprendimo“, – sako „Sorainen“ partnerė Asta Augutytė-Rapkevičienė.

„Sorainen“ energetikos sektoriaus įmonėms teikia paslaugų spektrą, apimantį visus verslo ir teisės aspektus. Klientų ir projektų geografija apima tiek Baltijos, tiek kitas Europos šalis.

„Energetikos sektorius yra vienas iš sparčiausiai augančių ir dinamiškiausių sektorių, kuris ne tik formuoja ekonomikos ateitį, bet ir daro didelę įtaką visuomenės gerovei bei aplinkosaugai. Šiame stipriai reguliuojamame sektoriuje teisininko vaidmuo yra itin reikšmingas – stengiamės padėti vystytojams naviguoti sudėtingoje ir dinamiškoje teisinėje aplinkoje. Tikime, kad prisijungimas prie LVEA padės mums aktyviau dalyvauti šalies energetikos transformacijoje bei prisidėti prie švarios energetikos plėtros“, – sako A. Augutytė-Rapkevičienė.


TEC Consulting, which has been working on wind energy projects in Lithuania and abroad since 2018, has joined the LVEA. The company provides construction project management, construction management, construction maintenance, project preparation, commissioning and debugging, as well as the organisation of in-kind tests with ESO and Litgrid to developers and builders of wind energy parks.

“TEC Consulting has contributed to wind farm construction projects in Mažeikiai, Akmenė, Telšiai, Anykščiai and elsewhere.

“Renewable energy projects are a priority area for our company. Our first steps into this sector were made in 2002, when we started using biofuel combustion technologies. We have consistently built up our expertise and in 2018 we confidently started providing services to wind and solar developers. We have been following the development of renewable energy, which should not be called alternative energy for a long time, and have been looking into hydrogen production and analysing the issues involved for some time. We believe that we will be able to provide our services to companies starting hydrogen projects in Lithuania,” says Giedrius Andriulionis, CEO of the company.

By becoming a member of the LVEA, the company hopes to establish cooperation with a wide network of members, to listen to the expectations of the sector’s stakeholders and to meet them with quality services.

How do I become an LVEA member?

Becoming a member of the LVEA is very easy. LVEA members can be organisations or individuals involved in activities related to the wind energy sector, both in Lithuania and in other countries. Those wishing to join the association should submit a free form application in writing to the director of the association and pay a joining fee of 100 euros. A decision on membership is taken at the next Council meeting.

The Association brings together more than 70% of the energy producers, investors, equipment and component manufacturers and service providers operating in the Lithuanian wind energy market. Its members are business enterprises seeking to contribute to the development of wind energy in the country. By participating in the Association’s activities, they cooperate and provide a unified expert position to the state authorities, develop international relations, react promptly to the wind energy sector’s topical issues and jointly address the challenges.