Association activities

The aim of the LVEA is to ensure favorable conditions for the development of wind energy projects by contributing to the legal framework and the creation of an attractive investment climate.

About the Lithuanian Wind
Power Association

The Lithuanian Wind Power Association (LVEA) brings together investors and providers of equipment & services in the field of wind energy. LVEA has been operating since 2005. LVEA's aim is to ensure favorable conditions for the development of wind energy projects by contributing to the development of the legislative framework and an attractive investment climate. The Association advocates decarbonization and decentralization of the Lithuanian energy production sector, the use of local renewable resources, the increase of energy independence through wind energy, and the implementation of the European Union's renewable energy policy. LVEA continuously analyses the wind energy market, its development and perspectives; coordinates joint actions of wind energy industry companies; analyses scientific and technical achievements and their practical possibilities of application; participates in international conferences, cooperates with both local and international organizations; defends the interests of its members in the authorities; and carries out educational activities. The Association actively cooperates with Lithuanian authorities and foreign organizations, promotes the development of renewable energy, and seeks dialogue between wind energy companies and national authorities.

LVEA Membership

LVEA is a member of Wind Europe, the European wind energy association. It is also a member of the Lithuanian Renewable Energy Confederation, the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists and the Lithuanian Business Confederation. LVEA currently has 54 members. The wind industry ecosystem is constantly expanding and more and more new members are joining the association, either working in the industry or wanting to link their future to sustainable energy.