Small wind turbines are becoming more attractive

For those who want to use clean electricity in the long term, the idea of installing a wind turbine is becoming more and more attractive. This is due to a significant reduction of the administrative procedures that need to be carried out in order to build a turbine. Let us remind you of the most important things to know when considering owning a personal power plant.

o. A new rules that came into force on the 1st of July will facilitate and speed up the construction of low-power wind turbines. For power plants up to 30 kW of capacity, development and production permits are no longer needed. This change will both make it cheaper and esasier to built your own power plants;

o. The installation of small power plants is becoming more simple also because of less documents required. Wind turbines with a height of up to 30 meters are included in the list of simple constructions, and when building wind turbines of less than 350 kW capacity, there is no need for developing detailed land plans or make land use changes. They also do not require a building permit and they are not subject to environmental and public health impact assessment procedures;

o. All power plants with a capacity of up to 500 kW can participate in a net-metering system – with a double electricity meter, on windy days it becomes possible to deliver the surplus energy to the grid and later, when there is no wind, to recover it from the grid;

o. In June, an amendment to the law was adopted to ensure that citizens would be able to build  a so called “distant power plants” of capacity up to 500 kW in different location from  their own homes. This means that from now on it will be possible to produce clean electricity in one’s summer home and use it both in the summer house and your apartment back in the city;

o. In recent years, rapidly evolving technologies have significantly reduced the cost of building wind parks. If you take advantage of European Union support mechanisms, choose a right site to build your wind turbine in terms of wind resources and grid accessibility, it has been estimated that your wind plant can pay off in just 6-7 years;

o. Modern wind parks are equipped with a modern monitoring system that allows both the owner of the power plant or the company that operates the plant to see the amount of electricity being produced in real time, to follow the processes and to react promptly to any possible failures.

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