Legal acts
LR Law on Territorial Planning
LR National Energy Strategy
LR National Renewable Energy Action Plan
LR Law on Environmental Impact Assessment of Planned Farm Activities
2010-2020 Renewable Energy Outlook Document
National Energy Strategy Implementation Plan 2008-2012
National Energy Efficiency Improvement Programme 2006-2010
Rules on the connection of electricity consumers' and producers' energy facilities to the facilities of existing energy companies
Technical rules for the connection of wind power plants to the Lithuanian electricity system
Procedures for the promotion of the production and purchase of electricity from renewable and waste energy resources
Services of public interest in the electricity sector
Rules on the granting of public service obligations
Collection of information for the determination of feed-in tariffs for electricity produced from renewable energy sources and biogas, identification of the most efficient technology and calculation of tariffs
Feed-in tariffs and maximum tariffs for electricity produced from renewable energy sources
Electricity trading rules
Requirements for reliability of electricity transmission and quality of electricity transmission, distribution and supply services
Procedures for the discontinuation of electricity supply, detailed conditions and the calculation & compensation of related losses
Rules on the granting of authorisations for activities in the electricity sector
Rules on the licensing of activities in the electricity sector
Rules for the operation of power plants and electricity grids
Methodological guidelines for the assessment of public health impacts
Description of the procedure for assessing the impact of noise on public health
Effective use of renewable energy sources: projects implemented in the country
Establishment of a monitoring system to improve energy efficiency
Description of the procedure for the conclusion of voluntary agreements